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Reveries of an artist looking forward

Updated: Jun 3, 2022

Thursday June 2, 2022

My year at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design has come to an end! I am so very pleased with having given myself the gift of personal and professional development through the practice of my art. I have taken a leave of absence from classroom teaching to tend to my artist soul, and to be closer to home for my family. It has led me to recognise and understand my need for boundaries and to be proud of myself for having the courage to take care of me and focus on the real important stuff. I feel stronger and more resilient with every win. I've reached some significant goals and milestones this year and am proud of myself. I have had the unwavering support of a partner who has shown me pure genuine love and joy, even through all of the complicated messy stuff. I truly wish everyone could have someone like him around.

Primarily, my goal this past year has been to heal a distressed nervous system and to practice a new level of self-care. I also learned about neurodivergent thinking and how it relates to my brain in so many beautiful ways. Knowing this has helped me to understand myself and to stop trying to change things about me that I know now are in no need of changing. Rather I've begun to build a better environment in which to exist happily and comfortably. Self-love and acceptance has set me free!

My creative goals for the year have been to break away from previous habits that I had adopted as I tried to create art in the cracks of my busy career as an overworked teacher and mom. This year, I wanted to step away from the practice of painting from a photo reference, and to dig into some conceptual ideas that might help to develop my story as an artist. I wanted to combine an abstract and more intuitive approach to the representation of a subject. It's not perfect, and that's the point! Working through my creative dilemmas has been the best possible kind of challenge!

I also set out to teach myself how to paint using oils. I began painting plein-air as a way to become familiar with the medium all while being outdoors to study light and forms, to fill my lungs with clean air, and to hear all the sounds of the forest. This has become a truly wonderful way for me to be present. I hope to do this more regularly over the spring, summer and fall months of the year.

In addition to developing a studio practice, I now have a better understanding of the small business practices that I will need to manage my own creative business. I have had some time to develop a creative vision for myself as an artist. My mission is clear, I have a better understanding of branding and marketing, and a good inventory of my skills and how they may help to serve me as a working artist in New Brunswick.

Today is the opening of the Advanced Studio Practice graduate exhibit of which I am proud to be a part of! It is a collection of works by all 7 students involved in the program, such a diverse and eclectic combination of creatives in one room. These folks are part of the reason a chose to attend NBCCD. It was important for me to network with other creatives and to have relatable discussions that are in line with my purpose. With the pandemic ongoing, it turned out to be a challenging year of disconnected Zoom meetings and a lot of time alone in my home studio. I tried my best to synchronise with everyone who I crossed paths with from the school. These people have enriched me many ways. I am especially thankful for all the instructors, advisors and mentors that have impacted me through teachings, discussions, critiques and counsel. I wish to continue to surround myself with a creative community of individuals who are compassionate, supportive, and open to sharing knowledge.

With the academic year behind me, I am looking forward to summer reading, creative thinking, and spending time in the woods with my loves. I look forward to summer residencies, plein-air painting and sketching. I look forward to building my business, and starting a new job at the NB Arts Board. Just so many good things to come!

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