Cheryl Lavigne is an emerging visual artist based in New-Brunswick, Canada. She is interested in exploring her visual interest in organic forms and cycles of growth and decompositions. Cheryl's creative process involves slow quiet observations and exchanges with the environment that surrounds her. Cheryl grew up in a wooded area along the Népisiguit River, in rural northern New Brunswick. As an artist, she still taps into her curiosity of small natural wonders. Cheryl allows natural forms to emerge in her work in various expressions. She paints in oils, acrylics, ink and has a mixed media practice that combines any variety of media with found objects.
Cheryl is learning to cook and to garden, and enjoys visiting new and familiar trails through fields, forests and along wetlands of the East Coast.
Artist Statement
My current studio practice is all about exploration and the joy of play. I'm keen to explore a variety of materials while continuing to reflect on recurring themes.
My creative practice encompasses three main areas of expression. These are intuitive ink and brush drawings, mixed media relief collages and larger-scale acrylic paintings on canvas. I also paint in plein air as I teach myself to paint with oils. With this work, I examine the solitary experience of the person trying to understand how to be part of their environment. I am inspired by events visually on the ground. There is a natural sensibility in the delicate balance and beauty of the ephemeral. Transformations through growth and decay in continuous cycles and layers of time connect me to my origins. Bold contrasting lines hold together the fragile decaying environment.